Blogging is one of the key ways to inform potential customers about new products and events. They are the headlines of your business and should catch people’s eye as they scroll through their newsfeeds and emails. If they do click on your article, the hope is for the reader of your blog to be converted to a buyer of your product in a matter of a few minutes. So how do blog writers convert these readers into buyers?


The first investment that people make is with their time. If a blog title is not interesting to them, they will not take the time to read the details, and the blog will be lost in the noise of other blogs. If a person does click on a blog, it means that they value the blog enough to spend time on reading it. Once a person clicks on your blog, they have now converted from a reader to a customer. They have expressed interest in your product or service, wanting to read your blog to find out more, and your blog’s content should help them make that next conversion step.


One effective time-saver for your blog readers and customers is the use of pictures, videos, and graphics. People tend to skim blogs without reading each word, and images give them a way to digest your blog quickly. If you want to show a physical product, present pictures with your blog that list the highlighted attributes. If you want to show your business model, a chart with stylish graphics will be quicker to comprehend. Videos are a quick way to digest a blog’s content in a few moments by presenting the major points of your blog.


Their next investment customers make is with their emotions. What draws the blog reader in, and makes them begin to want to buy your product or service? Depending on your demographic, presenting your style, entertainment value, or necessity to complete a task will evoke an emotional response in your customer that will help convert them into a buyer. The use of images and videos can also be tailored to create an emotional response, especially through the use of music or stylized graphics.


The final investment customers of your blog will make is with their logic. Do they really need to spend their money on what you have to offer? If the blog has caught their attention enough to read and has evoked an emotional response, chances are that you have converted your blog readers most of the way. Highlighting attributes in your blog such as time or cost savings and ease of use will be a way to drive your point home.

Your readers invest their time, emotions, and logic. When done right, blogs convert readers into buyers in just a few minutes. By taking advantage of these four areas, you improve your chances of not only gaining readers, but retaining them for future purchases as well. If you need help converting readers to buyers, contact us today. At PGN Agency, we are passionate about client’s marketing success. And at all times, we’re ready to help any way we can. We’re always a phone call or email away. 248-414-6860.