kills productivity

Have you ever been in the groove, working away when all of a sudden your concentration is interrupted by the phone ringing, being called into an impromptu meeting or co-workers talking around you? Everyone has a different tolerance for distractions, but almost all employees have one thing in common; one of the biggest distractions is noisy co-workers.

While this may be the largest productivity killer in the workplace, it is not the only one. According to, the following are seven things that kill productivity:

  1. Noisy co-workers
  2. Telecommuting
  3. Group projects
  4. Impromptu meetings
  5. Cubicles
  6. Sitting next to the boss
  7. Face-to-face interactions

Many of these productivity killers can cause a challenge in the workplace. For example, working in a group setting can be a distraction for some, but how do you get employees to brainstorm amongst one another?

What are some things that kill productivity in your work place, and how do you overcome those distractions?