In this day and age, with the rise of Social Media, more and more companies are looking to be more strategic with this part of the Internet. If you strategically use Social Media in the correct ways, it can be a boon to both your marketing and advertising efforts. Social Media does not pay off for every business so it’s important to be strategic with how you use this tool in order to be successful. There is a lot of research out there about using the presence of Social Media in order to benefit one’s company. Moreover, it’s well-known that there are a few strategic ways that it can be utilized in order to boost your business’s profits and online notoriety.
Choosing Your Social Media Platform
When it comes to Social Media, there are quite a few mainstream options out there that you may want your business advertising on. You want to carefully consider each before making any commitments. Each one of these websites has their own positives and negatives when it comes to their overall utility.
Let’s start with Facebook as the biggest social network. This Social Media website is the biggest in the world with over two billion users worldwide. It’s no secret that businesses use Facebook because of its large user base. It also uses SEO to target a certain audience. LinkedIn is the largest, professionally focused Social Media website. It works by helping your business create new connections, generate new leads for advertising, and build your brand to a large audience.
Twitter, another major Social Media website is a great place to advertise your products or services. It also allows you to keep both new and old customers up to date regarding new developments. It’s also great for marketing the website itself. Lastly, utilizing YouTube, in conjunction with Google can be a boost to your SEO efforts. It can also be a useful platform if you want to market a product or service of your website by creating a video for potential customers.
Building Your Online Presence
Once you have chosen a few Social Media websites to utilize as part of your online business presence, you need to be consistent. Make sure you’re posting regularly across all platforms being used. For example, you’ll want to post regarding your business about once or twice per day. This serves to keep your customer base interested in the company.
In addition, you’re going to have to be creative with your posts. Make sure to include some images and some videos to capture the viewer’s attention. Using only text posts all the time gets repetitive and redundant quite quickly. Lastly, you need to make sure that you have someone in your business to keep in touch with visitors to all your Social Media profiles. Customer service is an important part of your business’s Social Media presence. Therefore, you need to make sure that you’re responding to feedback, whether it is positive or negative. Your products and/or services will only improve in the future if you’re getting customer feedback on them.
Five to ten years ago, most online businesses would not be considering using Social Media as part of their strategic presence on the Internet. However, considering the exponential growth of websites like Facebook and Twitter, presence on Social Media for a business or company has become imperative. PGN Agency understands that building your Social Media presence isn’t foolproof. We’re here to help make your marketing successful. Call us today at 248-414-6860.